While Kevin was at ground zero last week reporting on the Press Conference in Austin, I was watching along with the Austin-American Statesman’s live feed on Ustream.  A great feature of using Twitter is that a viewer can watch a webinar, Ustream, or live web chat and interact with other viewers by using a hashtag.  A hashtag is simply this sign # followed by a term.  Hashtags allow users to search for tweets that have a common topic.  For example, this past week I watched Lois Martin’s #F1chat (it’s every Monday if you are interested in watching or chiming in on Twitter, although this week it got hit by a spammer).  During the press conference, lots of people were tweeting quotes from Tavo and Red using hashtags such as #F1 or #USGP

Here are my tweets from that hour+ surrounding the press conference.  I started out complaining to the Statesman because we couldn't hear a thing! And it worked; they listened to our disgruntled tweets and fixed the audio.  Then I tweeted quotes from Tavo and Red as they spoke (which is typical of tweeters attending a live conference, so they can share the info with those not in attendance).  Disregard the misspellings, I was trying to get our tweets out ASAP:

  • TAVO! TAVO! (#acl live at http://ustre.am/1r6y ) 10:03 AM Jul 27th via Ustream
  • sound is very low - hard to hear (#acl live at http://ustre.am/1r6y ) 10:08 AM Jul 27th via Ustream
  • "there's been speculation that there was foreign money involved..." but tavo worked tokeep it local #USGP #Formula1 10:09 AM Jul 27th via HootSuite
  • Red McCombs involved, interesting #USGP #FOrmula1 10:10 AM Jul 27th via HootSuite
  • "Judge a man by the success of his relationships with his family & friends" not his wallet - Tavo #Formula1 #USGP 10:11 AM Jul 27th via HootSuite
  • TURN IT UP ALREADY (#acl live at http://ustre.am/1r6y ) 10:12 AM Jul 27th via Ustream
  • THANK YOU! My ear is next to my speaker! @statesmanf1 turn it up please! RT @liamthenry: @austingrandprix God damn this is stupidly quiet! Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:16:39 AM via HootSuite
  • can anyone of the 808 viewers hear this? bc a lot of us can't #formula1 (#acl live at http://ustre.am/1r6y ) Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:17:25 AM via Ustream
  • much better - thanks! #formula1 (#acl live at http://ustre.am/1r6y ) Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:19:10 AM via Ustream
  • Red McCombs thanks Susan Comptroller for her work in bringing #formula1 to Austin, you can follow her here http://twitter.com/txcomptroller Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:21:13 AM via HootSuite
  • Del Valle! #Formula1 #USGP Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:21:47 AM via HootSuite
  • More about McCombs Partners: http://www.mccombspartners.com/ #Formula1 #USGP Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:22:19 AM via HootSuite
  • @StatesmanF1 It's much better, thanks! :) cc @liamthenry @tojohn123 Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:24:04 AM via HootSuite
  • Is this a #UT press conference or a #Formula1 Press Conference? #USGP Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:24:21 AM via HootSuite
  • @tojohn123 LOL still waiting for him to tie it all together Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:26:31 AM via HootSuite in reply to tojohn123
  • Texas has a reputation for getting things done - Red McCombs #Formula1 #USGP Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:27:06 AM via HootSuite
  • "We're more than a state capitol and a university - this is a vision for Austin" -Red McCombs #Formula1 #USGP Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:27:51 AM via HootSuite
  • If you're excited ab #Formula1 coming to Austin, show your support! www.comeandraceit.com (#acl live at http://ustre.am/1r6y ) Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:29:20 AM via Ustream
  • Tavo is doing a great job being patient while Red rambles #Formula1 #USGP Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:30:32 AM via HootSuite
  • The Official Formula 1 United States site: http://www.formula1unitedstates.com/ #Formula1 #USGP Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:31:35 AM via HootSuite
  • Thanks Red! We're excited to hear you're behind it #Formula1 #USGP (#acl live at http://ustre.am/1r6y ) Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:34:31 AM via Ustream
  • Official Formula1 United States Twitter: @f1unitedstates #Formula1 #USGP Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:35:24 AM via HootSuite
  • "Permanent facility" - Tavo's key point on success of #USGP #Formula1 Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:35:55 AM via HootSuite
  • Austin - perfect access to Canada, Mexico, South America _Tavo #Formula1 #USGP Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:36:46 AM via HootSuite
  • facility w/in 10 miles of airport, hotels, highways -Tavo #Formula1 #USGP Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:37:49 AM via HootSuite
  • Tavo talks ab Austin being sensitive to environmental concerns #Formula1 #USGP Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:38:47 AM via HootSuite
  • "This facility will be a world class multi-purpose facility" _tavo #Formula1 #USGP Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:39:56 AM via HootSuite
  • Tavo: "There will be a great connection...between the universities...a technology sector. something much more than US Grand Prix" #Formula1 Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:41:35 AM via HootSuite
  • Tavo: People will say "That's that incredible research & development center which also holds the Formula 1 Grand Prix" #Formula1 Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:42:26 AM via HootSuite
  • "This is more than just a race." _Tavo #Formula1 #USGP Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:43:12 AM via HootSuite
  • Yes, it's live Tavo! www.formula1unitedstates.com (#acl live at http://ustre.am/1r6y ) Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:43:47 AM via Ustream
  • Tavo just restated RT @austingrandprix: The Official Formula 1 United States site: http://www.formula1unitedstates.com/ #Formula1 #USGP Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:44:02 AM via HootSuite
  • 2 months ago our statement that we were ready to go WAS accurate -Tavo #Formula2 #USGP Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:44:23 AM via HootSuite
  • Q&A about to start re Formula 1 returning to Austin Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:45:12 AM via HootSuite
  • "How do you move from being a Football fan to an F1 Fan?" LOL Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:45:57 AM via HootSuite
  • Competition is competition. Red parallels football with skill, speed to determine to win #Formula1 #USGP Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:47:13 AM via HootSuite
  • Tavo: It's the same. who finishes 2nd is the first loser. we didn't lose. we got the #USGP Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:48:26 AM via HootSuite
  • Tavo: access-Elroy Wandering Creek site, primary entrance off 812 Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:49:16 AM via HootSuite
  • McCombs: what will the economic impact be for you? "Well i hope it will be immense." #Formula1 Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:50:08 AM via HootSuite
  • McCombs: What will the economic impact be for you? "Well I hope it will be immense" #Formula1 Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:50:31 AM via HootSuite
  • 1st contact: over 20 yrs ago; 2nd less than 1.5 yrs but more than a few months ago -Tavo Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:51:28 AM via HootSuite
  • We're bridging the gap vetween Austinites and #Formula1 fans worldwide 222.theaustingrandprix.com Thank (#acl live at http://ustre.am/1r6y ) Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:52:41 AM via Ustream
  • Thanks for the RT's and interacting with us today! More to come! #Formula1 #USGP Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:55:04 AM via HootSuite
  • RT @f1unitedstates: The official website of Formula 1 United States Grand Prix™ www.formula1unitedstates.com Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:59:09 AM via HootSuite
  • naturally! RT @beerandracing: LOL, Red McCombs ends @f1unitedstates #USGP announcement w/ 'Hook 'em Horns'! #F1 just got their first cowboy! Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:59:43 AM via HootSuite
  • RT @beerandracing: "Red also owns McCombs Energy, & as already reported, there's a push 2use new track 2help develop alt fuels." #USGP #F1 Tuesday, July 27, 2010 11:02:31 AM via HootSuite
  • RT @StatesmanF1: Here's the story on Red McCombs joining the Austin #F1 project. http://bit.ly/bSok89 #Formula1 #USGP Tuesday, July 27, 2010 11:03:17 AM via HootSuite
  • OFFICIAL SITE MAP for #USGP #Formula1 http://ow.ly/2hhNh Tuesday, July 27, 2010 11:18:17 AM via HootSuite
  • On phone with Kevin, on location at AT&T Conference Center after #Formula1 #USGP press conf - MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS! Tuesday, July 27, 2010 11:20:56 AM via HootSuite
  • Official #USGP #Formula1 Press Release (if you missed the press conf) http://ow.ly/2hi82 Tuesday, July 27, 2010 11:27:03 AM via HootSuite
  • Read more about Tavo & Red: http://ow.ly/2himK #Formula1 #USGP Tuesday, July 27, 2010 11:33:01 AM via HootSuite

One of my favorite tweets was from a follower who was at the gym and couldn't get off the elliptical machine because he was reading our tweets to follow the press conference:

@dimitrypatent: "In the gym, can't get off eliptical until I hear the loc of f1 track in austin. Thx 4 the live updates @austingrandprix"

Now that's technology for ya!

Here are videos (six total) of the press conference in its entirety, from KXAN's YouTube channel (watch out, sound starts immediately upon clicking any YouTube links):

What are your thoughts and concerns after watching the press conference?  Were you satisfied with the information surrounding the track location?  I was relieved to see the track location on a map and content to visit the official website, but felt like the only other substantial "news" was the announcement of McCombs Partners and Prophet Capital Management Ltd. as investors.  Another interesting element was the attendance, support and identification of MotoGP World Champion Kevin Schwantz as an investor as well.  Tavo coined the Austin track as "world-class multi-purpose facility" so I bet we will also see motocross coming to "Speedcity" (Red's nickname for the new facility).  I'm still anxious to see a track design from Tilke or a site development plan.  Assuming ground breaking really does occur in December, we're guessing we'll see more detailed track information in October.  Your thoughts?

